Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First Blog: Stories of a Starving Artists and Traveling Musician

This is my first blog, so to speak. I've been wanting to start a blog for a while. If nothing else, to serve as a record of my experiences as a starving artist, and a touring musician- a sort of diary for myself. I haven't kept a diary for a while, and haven't really written much lately, so I think it will be beneficial for me. These blogs may start out as rants, or jotted thoughts, but hopefully I will be able to use this blogging experience as an opportunity to become a better writer. 

I don't know what the future holds for me in my musical career. It will be interesting to look back on my progression as an artist over the years. My last tour went really well, and I wish I would have blogged after every show. I've played in some pretty cool and obscure places, and met a lot of talented musicians and real nice folks along the way. I've always wanted to travel, and I'm so thankful that music not only allows me to do so, but is also an essential part of becoming a successful musician. I want to make it clear that when I speak about my "musical career," or "becoming a successful musician," it just means being able to support myself by playing music and continuing to do so. 

Many people ask me if I'm trying to get signed to a label, or they ask me why I don't try out for some kind of singing competition like American Idol, or The X Factor. The answer is simple, but not often understood- I like to think of myself as an artist, and a songwriter. I don't want anything, like a record label, to come in the way of my artistic freedom. And nowadays, with the internet and social networking, it's pretty easy to do it yourself, which is something I've always took pride in. I like being able to record at home, at my own leisure, and to create my own artwork for my albums. I think it is the ultimate project, when I can combine all of my creative outlets, and have full control of the outcome. Maybe there's a little bit of my control freak tendencies taking over here, but I think in this case, it's a good thing. I don't go on competition shows because I don't want to be put into a box, and sing other people's songs. I want to do my art my way, with a humble heart, sincerity, and integrity. One of these days, I would like to get a booking agent, but for now, I'm just doing the best I can- keepin' on keepin' on.

So if you stumble upon this blog, thank you so much for taking the time to read. I am forever grateful to those who support my art, and keep up with my journey. In a way, this blog serves as a way for those who are interested to share the journeys I take, both literally on the road, and figuratively, if I may be cliche, on this journey called life- this beautiful, yet horrifying roller coaster to which everyone knows the ending, but know one knows what will happen along the way. 

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